英検対策準2級 (Eiken PRE-2)

スピーキング レッスン22

An event called the Science Olympics is held all over the world nowadays. In this event, various questions about science are answered by students. It is attracting the attention of many schools because the Science Olympics helps students learn more about science. This event will most likely become popular in the future.


No. 1
According to the passage, why is the Science Olympics attracting the attention of many schools?

No. 2
Now, please look at the people in Picture A. They are doing many things. Tell me as much as you can about what they are doing.

No. 3
Now, look at the man in picture B. Please describe the situation.
Now, Mr. / Ms. ___________, please turn over the card and put it down.

No. 4
Do you think schools should teach students more about giving presentations?

Yes: Why?
No: Why not?

No. 5
These days, many people send e-mail instead of snail mail? Do you send emails?

Yes: Please tell me more.
No: Why not?