
ボキャブラリー レッスン9


1. Give verb [giv]

- to offer something to someone

◼ Example: We gave her flowers on her birthday.
◻ Note: What do you give your mother on her birthday?

2. Close verb [klohz]

- to change from being open to not being open

◼ Example: Pleaseclose the door when you go out.
◻ Note: Do you close the door of your bedroom when you sleep?

3. Long adjective [lawng,long]

- measuring a great distance from end to end

◼ Example: This ruler is long.
◻ Note: Please make a sentence with 'long'.

4. Yellow noun [yel- oh]

- a color like that of egg yolk, ripe lemons etc.

◼ Example: My favorite color is yellow.
◻ Note: Do you like yellow?

5. Fast adjective [meet]

- moving or happening quickly

◼ Example: The boy ran fast because he was late for school.
◻ Note: Is a cheetah faster than a tiger?


◼ Close

◼ Give

◼ Long

◼ Fast

◼ Yellow

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. having greater length than usual

_____ 2. to offer something to someone

_____ 3. to change from being open to not being open

_____ 4. a color like that of egg yolk, ripe lemons etc.

_____ 5. moving or happening quickly


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) Leo ____ his old toys to poor children.

a. closed

b. gave

c. long

d. fast

2) My brother can run very _____.

a. long

b. close

c. fast

d. give

3) The color of ripe mangoes is _____.

a. give

b. yellow

c. long

d. fast

4) I need to ____ the windows because it's raining.

a. give

b. close

c. yellow

d. fast

5) Mimi is looking for a _____ stick for her flag.

a. long

b. give

c. fast

d. close