
ボキャブラリー レッスン8


1. Start verb [stahrt]

- to begin doing something

◼ Example: The dog started barking.
◻ Note: When did you start studying English?

2. Wear verb [wair]

- to have something such as clothes or shoes on your body

◼ Example: She is wearing jacket now.
◻ Note: What do you like to wear in summer?

3. Go verb [goh]

- move from one place to another

◼ Example: We will go to the park.
◻ Note: Where will you go today?

4. See verb [see]

- to recognize with the eyes

◼ Example: I see many people in the park.
◻ Note: What things can you see in your room?

5. Meet verb [meet]

- to come together with

◼ Example: I will meet my friends in the restaurant.
◻ Note: How often do you meet your friends?


◼ Start

◼ Go

◼ Wear

◼ See

◼ Meet

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. to have something such as clothes or shoes on your body

_____ 2. move from one place to another

_____ 3. to begin doing something

_____ 4. to come together with

_____ 5. to recognize with the eyes


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) My daughter _______ walking when she was ten months old.

a. saw

b. went

c. started

d. met

2) I ______ to the toy store to buy a toy robot.

a. started

b. went

c. saw

d. met

3) The boy _____ his cap every day to go to school.

a. goes

b. wears

c. starts

d. sees

4) I can ____ many stars in the sky at night.

a. wear

b. see

c. go

d. meet

5) The mother finally _____ her lost child.

a. wore

b. met

c. went

d. started