
ボキャブラリー レッスン6


1. Thousand noun [thou-zuh nd]

- the numbers from one thousand to 9,999
(1000, 1000の)

◼ Example: I saw a thousand of tulip flowers in the field.
◻ Note: How many zeros are there in 1 thousand?

2. House noun [hous]

- a building that people, usually one family, live in
(家, 住宅)

◼ Example: My mother cleans our house every day.
◻ Note: Do you like your house?

3. Park noun [pahrk]

- a land with grass and trees where people go to relax and play

◼ Example: The girl rides her bike in the park.
◻ Note: Is there a park near your house?

4. Rain noun [reyn]

- drops of water from clouds

◼ Example: The rain was so heavy yesterday.
◻ Note: Do you like it when it rains?

5. Drink noun [dringk]

- liquid that is fit for drinking, a beverage

◼ Example: I want a hot chocolate drink.
◻ Note: What is your favorite drink?


◼ Thousand

◼ Park

◼ House

◼ Drink

◼ Rain

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. a land with grass and trees where people go to relax and play

_____ 2. drops of water from clouds

_____ 3. the numbers from one thousand to 9,999

_____ 4. liquid that is fit for drinking, a beverage

_____ 5. a building that people, usually one family, live in


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) Yuki and Seiji are playing baseball in the _______.

a. rain

b. park

c. house

d. drink

2) We moved to a new ____ because my father got a new job.

a. thousand

b. park

c. rain

d. house

3) My mother prepared some food and _____ for the visitors.

a. thousands

b. parks

c. drinks

d. houses

4) There are _________ of people in the concert.

a. drinks

b. thousands

c. houses

d. parks

5) I cannot play outside because of the heavy _____.

a. park

b. rain

c. drink

d. house