
01: Eiken Grade 5 Vocabularies Lesson 58

Part 1: Vocabulary Words

1. aunt noun [ ant, ahnt ]

the sister of one's mother or father
(おば, 叔母, 伯母)

◼ Example: My aunt gave me a present.
◻ Note: How many aunts do you have?

2. uncle noun [ uhng-kuhl ]

the brother or of one's father or mother
(おじ, 伯父, 叔父)

◼ Example: My uncle visits us last weekend.
◻ Note: How many uncles do you have?

3. paint verb [ peynt ]

to cover with paint
(ペイント, 塗る)

◼ Example: She painted her bedroom pink.
◻ Note: Do you like to paint?

4. call verb [ kawl ]

to tell to come; to say in a loud voice, to telephone
(電話する, 呼び出す)

◼ Example: Please call me when you come back home.
◻ Note: Do you call using your phone?

5. enjoy verb [ en-joi ]

to find pleasure or joy in
(エンジョイ, 楽しむ)

◼ Example: I enjoy skiing.
◻ Note: What activities do you enjoy?


◼ aunt

◼ uncle

◼ paint

◼ call

◼ enjoy

Give the word being asked for each number.


__________1. the brother or of one's father or mother

__________2. the sister of one's mother or father

__________3. to tell to come; to say in a loud voice, to telephone

__________4. to find pleasure or joy in

__________5. to cover with paint

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) We will go to the mall and meet my _______.

a. paint

b. call

c. aunt

d. enjoy

2) I _______ eating hamburgers with fries.

a. enjoy

b. aunt

c. uncle

d. call

3) We will _______ the wall white.

a. paint

b. call

c. uncle

d. enjoy

4) I need to _______ my mom when I arrive at the station.

a. paint

b. call

c. uncle

d. enjoy

5) My _______ is an English teacher.

a. paint

b. call

c. uncle

d. enjoy