
01: Eiken Grade 5 Vocabularies Lesson 57

Part 1: Vocabulary Words

1. egg noun [ eg ]

an oval or round object laid by a female bird, reptile or fish
(たまご, 卵)

◼ Example: We need eggs to make a pancake.
◻ Note: Do you like eggs?

2. hamburger noun [ ham-bur-ger ]

a kind of sandwich with round, flat patty inside

◼ Example: We made hamburgers for lunch.
◻ Note: Do you eat hamburgers?

3. waiter noun [ wey-ter ]

a man who serves or waits on customers in a bar, restaurant, or cafe
(ウェイター, 給仕)

◼ Example: The waiter took our orders.
◻ Note: Are waiters kind?

4. dancer noun [ dan-ser, dahn- ]

someone who is dancing or whose work is to dance
(ダンサー, 踊り子, 舞姫)

◼ Example: The ballet dancer looks amazing.
◻ Note: Do you want to be a dancer?

5. firefighter noun [ fahyuhr -fahy-ter ]

someone who fights big fires
(しょうぼうし, 消防士)

◼ Example: The firefighter hops on the firetruck.
◻ Note: Do you want to be a firefighter?


◼ egg

◼ hamburger

◼ waiter

◼ dancer

◼ firefighter

Give the word being asked for each number.


__________1. a kind of sandwich with round, flat patty inside

__________2. a man who serves or waits on customers in a bar, restaurant, or cafe

__________3. an oval or round object laid by a female bird, reptile or fish

__________4. someone who is dancing or whose work is to dance

__________5. someone who fights big fires

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) The _______ served the food fast.

a. firefighter

b. dancer

c. waiter

d. egg

2) I can eat two _______ in an hour.

a. hamburgers

b. dancer

c. waiter

d. egg

3) We boiled the _______.

a. hamburgers

b. egg

c. waiter

d. firefighter

4) The _______ sprayed water on the fire.

a. hamburgers

b. dancer

c. firefighter

d. egg

5) The _______ gave their best performance.

a. firefighters

b. dancers

c. waiters

d. egg