
ボキャブラリー レッスン55


1. room noun [ room, room ]

an area of a building separated by walls or doors
(ルーム, 部屋)

◼ Example: The school has many rooms.
◻ Note: How many rooms does your house have?

2. dining room noun [ dahyning room ]

a room in a home or hotel where meals are eaten
(ダイニングルーム )

◼ Example: Let’s go to the dining room. The meal is ready.
◻ Note: Please point your dining room.

3. living room noun [ living room ]

a room in a home in where people can relax or gather together
(リビングルーム, 居間)

◼ Example: Our family stays in the living room on weekends.
◻ Note: The living room usually has a sofa and comfortable chairs.

4. bedroom adjective [ bed-room ]

a room used for sleeping
(ベッドルーム, 寝室)

◼ Example: My mom told me to clean my bedroom.
◻ Note: Do you clean your bedroom?

5. bathroom noun [ bath-room ]

a room with a toilet and often a sink or bathtub
(バスルーム, 洗面所, 浴室)

◼ Example: She is taking a shower in the bathroom.
◻ Note: Please point your bathroom.


◼ room

◼ dining room

◼ living room

◼ bedroom

◼ bathroom

Give the word being asked for each number.


__________1. a room in a home in where people can relax or gather together

__________2. a room in a home or hotel where meals are eaten

__________3. a room with a toilet and often a sink or bathtub

__________4.a room used for sleeping

__________5. an area of a building separated by walls or doors


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) My dad is watching TV in the _______.

a. bedroom

b. living room

c. dining room

d. bathroom

2) This is a tatami _______.

a. room

b. living room

c. bedroom

d. bathroom

3) It’s late and I’m sleepy. I’m going to my _______.

a. room

b. living room

c. bathroom

d. bedroom

4) My mom is in the _______ to set the table for lunch.

a. bedroom

b. living room

c. dining room

d. bathroom

5) I take a bath in the _______ for thirty minutes.

a. bathroom

b. living room

c. room

d. bedroom