
ボキャブラリー レッスン52


1. gas station noun [ gas stey-shuhn ]

also called service station; sells gasoline and oil for vehicles

◼ Example: We stopped at the gas station to refuel the car.
◻ Note: Cosmo and Eneos are common gas stations in Japan.

2. garden noun [ gahr-dn ]

an area of land used for growing flowers or vegetables
(ガーデン, ていえん, 公園, 庭園 )

◼ Example: My grandparents have a small vegetable garden.
◻ Note: Do you have a garden?

3. snowy noun [ snoh-ee ]

when snow is falling; ground covered or full of snow
(ゆきぶかい, ゆきずり, 雪が降る, 雪深い)

◼ Example: January is snowy.
◻ Note: Does it become snowy in your area in winter?

4. cucumber noun [ kyoo-kuhm-ber ]

a long fruit, shaped like a cylinder with green skin and white inside
(キュウリ, きゅうり, かっぱ, かっぱらい)

◼ Example: I like to eat cucumbers.
◻ Note: Do you like cucumbers?

5. pumpkin noun [ puhmp-kin, puhng-kin ]

a large, round, orange fruit that is heavy, thick and hard; it has many seeds
(かぼちゃ, パンプキン, 南瓜)

◼ Example: There are many pumpkins in autumn season.
◻ Note: Do you eat pumpkins?


◼ gas station

◼ garden

◼ snowy

◼ cucumber

◼ pumpkin

Give the word being asked for each number.


__________1. an area of land used for growing flowers or vegetables

__________2. when snow is falling; ground covered or full of snow

__________3. also called service station; sells gasoline and oil for vehicles

__________4. a large, round, orange fruit that is heavy, thick and hard; it has many seeds

__________5. a long fruit, shaped like a cylinder with green skin and white inside


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) We need to stop at the ________ for gas.

a. cucumber

b. pumpkin

c. gas station

d. snowy

2) My mom made some ________ soup.

a. snowy

b. garden

c. pumpkin

d. gas station

3) We planted some flowers in our ________.

a. garden

b. pumpkin

c. gas station

d. snowy

4) Hokkaido is known for its ________ mountains.

a. snowy

b. garden

c. pumpkin

d. gas station

5) The sandwich has some ________.

a. snowy

b. cucumber

c. garden

d. gas station