
ボキャブラリー レッスン49


1. post office noun [ pohst-aw-fis, of-is ]

a place where mail is received and sorted; stamps are sold
(ゆうびんきょく, 郵便局)

◼ Example: I will write a letter and go to the post office later.
◻ Note: Do you go to the post office?

2. police station noun [ puh-lees stey-shuhn ]

the office of the police
(けいさつしょ, 警察署)

◼ Example: There is a police station beside my school.
◻ Note: Is there a police station near your area?

3. grandfather noun [ gran-fah-ther, grand-]

the father of your mother or father
(おじいさん, 祖父, お爺さん)

◼ Example: My grandfather lives in Kanagawa.
◻ Note: Where do your grandfathers live?

4. grandmother noun [ gran-muhth-er, grand-, gram- ]

the mother of your mother or father
(おばあさん, おばさん, お婆さん)

◼ Example: My grandmother gave me a present on my birthday.
◻ Note: What are the names of your grandmothers?

5. fruit noun [ froot ]

a part of the plant that has seeds that can be eaten
(くだもの, フルーツ, 果物)

◼ Example: I like to eat fruits in the morning.
◻ Note: What fruits do you like?


◼ post office

◼ police station

◼ grandmother

◼ grandfather

◼ fruit

Give the word being asked for each number.


__________1. the father of your mother or father

__________2. the office of the police

__________3. the mother of your mother or father

__________4. a part of the plant that has seeds that can be eaten

__________5. a place where mail is received and sorted; stamps are sold


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) I will go the ________ to report my missing wallet.

a. post office

b. grandmother

c. police station

d. grandfather

2) I need to go the ________ to send a package for my friend.

a. police station

b. post office

c. grandmother

d. grandfather

3) Let’s buy some ________ on our way home.

a. fruits

b. post office

c. grandmother

d. grandfather

4) My ________ plants some vegetables in the garden.

a. police station

b. post office

c. grandmother

d. fruit

5) His ________ will teach him how to ride a bike.

a. fruits

b. post office

c. grandmother

d. grandfather