
ボキャブラリー レッスン47


1. hospital noun [ hos-pi-tl ]

a place where sick or hurt people go to find care or help

◼ Example: He needs to go to the hospital because he is sick.
◻ Note: When was the last time you visited a hospital?

2. department store noun [ dih-pahrt-muhnt stawr ]

a big store with different areas selling products such as clothes, food, kitchen tools, etc.

◼ Example: We will try to find a dress in the department store.
◻ Note: What do you buy in a department store?

3. easy adjective [ ee-zee ]

not hard or difficult
(簡単, かんたん)

◼ Example: The quiz was easy.
◻ Note: Which school subject do you think is easy?

4. happy adjective [ hap-ee ]

feeling joy or pleasure; being glad
(嬉しい, 楽しい, ハッピー)

◼ Example: She is happy, she got a perfect score in English.
◻ Note: What makes you happy?

5. soft adjective [ sawft, soft ]

easy to bend or to shape, not hard
(ソフト, ぐにゃぐにゃ, やりこい, 柔らかい)

◼ Example: The bread is soft.
◻ Note: What things are soft?


◼ hospital

◼ department store

◼ late

◼ happy

◼ soft

Give the word being asked for each number.


__________1. feeling joy or pleasure; being glad

__________2. a place where sick or hurt people go to find care or help

__________3. a big store with different areas selling products such as clothes, food, kitchen tools, etc.

__________4. easy to bend or to shape, not hard

__________5. not hard or difficult


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) The pillow feels very ________.

a. soft

b. easy

c. department store

d. happy

2) Everyone was ________ because they won a game.

a. department store

b. hospital

c. easy

d. happy

3) Making chocolate cookies is not ________.

a. soft

b. easy

c. hospital

d. department store

4) The big cities have many great ________.

a. easy

b. happy

c. department store

d. soft

5) The man went quickly to the ________ after the accident.

a. hospital

b. department store

c. happy

d. easy