
ボキャブラリー レッスン46


1. Saturday noun [ sat-er-dey, -dee ]

the seventh day of the week

◼ Example: We have a short class every Saturday.
◻ Note: Saturday comes between Friday and Sunday.

2. kitchen noun [ kich-uhn ]

a room where food is stored and cooked
(キッチン, 台所, 厨房)

◼ Example: Please get some food in the kitchen.
◻ Note: What things are in your kitchen?

3. library noun [ lahy-brer-ee, -bruh-ree, -bree ]

a place where you can read and borrow books
(ライブラリ, 図書館, 書房)

◼ Example: I will go to the library, would you like to come with me?
◻ Note: How often do you to the library?

4. dolphin noun [ dol-fin, dawl- ]

an animal that lives in the water, look like a large fish but they breathe air, most are gray and have white belly
(イルカ, まいるか, ドルフィン)

◼ Example: The dolphins can swim fast.
◻ Note: Have you ever seen dolphins?

5. sheep noun [ sheep ]

an animal with hooves, hollow horns, and long, curly hair; raised for their wool
(羊, めんよう, シープ)

◼ Example: There are many sheep on the field.
◻ Note: The plural of sheep is sheep.


◼ Saturday

◼ kitchen

◼ library

◼ dolphin

◼ sheep

Give the word being asked for each number.


__________1. a room where food is stored and cooked

__________2. an animal with hooves, hollow horns, and long, curly hair; raised for their wool

__________3. an animal that lives in the water, look like a large fish but they breathe air, most are gray and have white belly

__________4. a place where you can read and borrow books

__________5. the seventh day of the week


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) The ________ jumps out of the water.

a. sheep

b. dolphin

c. library

d. kitchen

2) The ________ are eating grass on the field.

a. dolphin

b. kitchen

c. sheep

d. Saturday

3) I will go to my grandparents’ house this ________ .

a. kitchen

b. library

c. sheep

d. Saturday

4) I want to read some books in the ________ near our house.

a. Saturday

b. sheep

c. library

d. kitchen

5) My mom is cooking in the ________ .

a. library

b. kitchen

c. dolphin

d. sheep