
ボキャブラリー レッスン45


1. Thursday noun [ thurz-dey, -dee ]

the fifth day of the week

◼ Example: I go to cram school every Thursday.
◻ Note: Thursday comes between Wednesday and Friday.

2. Friday noun [ frahy-dey, -dee ]

the sixth day of the week

◼ Example: On Friday, my friends go to our house to play video games.
◻ Note: Friday comes between Thursday and Saturday.

3. busy adjective [ biz-ee ]

doing something or working on something; active; full of work or activity
(忙しい, 慌ただしい, いそがしい)

◼ Example: The students are busy in studying for the exams.
◻ Note: What day are you the most busy?

4. sleepy adjective [ slee-pee ]

in need of or starting to sleep
(眠い, 眠いです, ねむい)

◼ Example: Listening to slow songs makes me sleepy.
◻ Note: What makes you sleepy?

5. ready adjective [ red-ee ]

all set; prepared; can do things quickly
(準備, じゅんび, できあがり, 出来上がり, レディ)

◼ Example: My mom make sure that my lunchbox is ready in the morning.
◻ Note: Are you ready to go to school tomorrow?


◼ Thursday

◼ Friday

◼ busy

◼ sleepy

◼ ready

Give the word being asked for each number.


__________1. in need of or starting to sleep

__________2. doing something or working on something; active; full of work or activity

__________3. all set; prepared; can do things quickly

__________4. the sixth day of the week

__________5. the fifth day of the week


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) Are you ________ for the school trip tomorrow?

a. Friday

b. busy

c. sleepy

d. ready

2) I woke up early this morning and now I am ________ .

a. sleepy

b. Thursday

c. Friday

d. busy

3) We don’t have school on ________ because of the entrance exam for new students.

a. ready

b. Thursday

c. sleepy

d. busy

4) We are ________ for the school presentation and anniversary.

a. sleepy

b. Friday

c. busy

d. Thursday

5) We are going to watch a movie together this ________.

a. busy

b. Friday

c. sleepy

d. ready