
ボキャブラリー レッスン40


1. strawberry noun [ straw-ber-ee, -buh-ree ]

a red, juicy fruit with seeds on the outside
(ストロベリー, いちご, 苺)

◼ Example: The cake has some strawberries on top.
◻ Note: Do you like strawberries?

2. grape noun [ greyp ]

a small, juicy fruit, with a smooth skin that is either green, red, or purple
(グレープ, ブドウ, ぶどう)

◼ Example: Yamanashi Prefecture has many grapes farm.
◻ Note: Which do you like more strawberries or grapes?

3. spoon noun [ spoon ]

a tool with a small, shallow bowl at the end of a handle, used for eating
(スプーン, さじ)

◼ Example: I use a spoon to eat curry and rice.
◻ Note: When do you usually use a spoon?

4. fork noun [ fawrk ]

a tool with a handle and two or more points
(フォーク, 叉, 熊手, 分かれ目, 別れ, 分点)

◼ Example: He needs a fork to eat the steak.
◻ Note: When do you usually use a fork?

5. plate noun [ pleyt ]

a flat, round dish from which food is served or eaten
(プレート, 皿)

◼ Example: She washes the plates she used for lunch.
◻ Note: What color is your plates?


◼ strawberry

◼ grape

◼ spoon

◼ fork

◼ plate

Give the word being asked for each number.


__________1. a tool with a handle and two or more points

__________2. a red, juicy fruit with seeds on the outside

__________3. a small, juicy fruit, with a smooth skin that is either green, red, or purple

__________4. a flat, round dish from which food is served or eaten

__________5. a tool with a small, shallow bowl at the end of a handle, used for eating


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) I use a small ________ to eat a cheesecake.

a. plate

b. spoon

c. strawberry

d. grape

2) She put a __________ on top of the ice cream.

a. strawberry

b. plate

c. fork

d. spoon

3) He put a slice of pizza on a __________.

a. fork

b. strawberry

c. banana

d. plate

4) The boy uses a _________ to eat spaghetti.

a. fork

b. spoon

c. grape

d. strawberry

5) My brother likes to drink ___________ juice.

a. fork

b. plate

c. grapes

d. spoon