
ボキャブラリー レッスン4


1. Bread noun [bred]

- food made from dough of flour, usually by baking

◼ Example: There is bread on the table.
◻ Note: Do you eat bread for breakfast?

2. Water noun [wot-er]

- the clear liquid that has no color, taste, or smell, used for drinking, washing, etc.

◼ Example: I drink eight glasses of water every day.
◻ Note: How many glasses of water do you drink every day?

3. Club noun [kluhb]

- a group of people who do a sport or other activity together

◼ Example: Cynthia joined the music club because she likes singing.
◻ Note: Do you belong to any clubs at school?

4. Station noun [stey-shuhn]

- a place where trains or buses stop so that people can get on or off

◼ Example: I go to the train station after school.
◻ Note: How far is the train station from your house?

5. Window noun [win-doh]

- an opening in the wall of the building or the side of a car

◼ Example: The ball broke the window.
◻ Note: How many windows are there in your house?


◼ Bread

◼ Water

◼ Club

◼ Station

◼ Window

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. the clear liquid that has no color, taste, or smell, used for drinking, washing, etc.

_____ 2. an opening in the wall of the building, the side of a car

_____ 3. a group of people who do a sport or other activity together

_____ 4. food made from dough of flour, usually by baking

_____ 5. a place where trains or buses stop so that people can get on or off


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) Please put some ______ in the bath tub.

a. water

b. club

c. bread

d. station

2) Johnny, can you go to the bakeshop to buy _____?

a. bread

b. water

c. window

d. station

3) You need to go straight, turn left and you will see the train ________.

a. station

b. water

c. bread

d. club

4) Satoshi wants to join the dance _______ because he loves dancing.

a. station

b. club

c. water

d. bread

5) My father is cleaning the ______ of our house.

a. restaurants

b. windows

c. water

d. bread