
ボキャブラリー レッスン37


1. animal noun [ an-uh-muhl ]

a living thing other than humans, it can be birds, fish, insects, etc.
(どうぶつ, 動物)

◼ Example: There are many animals at the zoo.
◻ Note: What’s your favorite animal?

2. beach noun [ beech ]

a wide area of sand or pebbles along the sea
(ビーチ, 海辺, 浜)

◼ Example: We go to the beach every summer.
◻ Note: When was the last time you went to the beach?

3. airport noun [ air-pawrt, -pohrt ]

a large area of flat land where airplanes can land and take off.
(エアポート, 空港, 飛行場)

◼ Example: The biggest airport in Japan is Narita International Airport.
◻ Note: What’s the nearest airport from your house?

4. bridge noun [ brij ]

a structure built over a river, it allows people to travel across
(橋, かきょう)

◼ Example: This bridge connects our town to the next town.
◻ Note: Is there a bridge near your house?

5. gym noun [ jim ]

a place where you can go to exercise
(ジム, スポーツジム, 体育館)

◼ Example: We played basketball in the school gym.
◻ Note: Does your school have a gym?


◼ animal

◼ beach

◼ airport

◼ bridge

◼ gym

Give the word being asked for each number.


__________1. a large area of flat land where airplanes can land and take off.

__________2. a structure built over a river, it allows people to travel across

__________3. a place where you can go to exercise

__________4. a living thing other than humans, it can be birds, fish, insects, etc.

__________5. a wide area of sand or pebbles along the sea


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) They crossed the ________ to go to the next island.

a. airport

b. gym

c. bridge

d. animal

2) She is good at swimming. Their family lives near the ______.

a. airport

b. beach

c. gym

d. bridge

3) The lion is the king of all the _________.

a. beach

b. gym

c. airport

d. animals

4) We need to go to the ______ early when we need to go to another country.

a. beach

b. gym

c. airport

d. bridge

5) My sports festival will be inside the _______.

a. beach

b. gym

c. airport

d. bridge