
ボキャブラリー レッスン28


1. With preposition [with]

- used to say that people or things are in a place together or are doing something together

◼ Example: I go to school with my friend.
◻ Note: Do you watch TV with your parents?

2. Scissors noun [siz-erz]

- a tool for cutting paper or hair

◼ Example: I need scissors to cut the ribbon.
◻ Note: Do you have scissors?

3. Cut verb [kuht]

- to use a knife or scissors to divide something
(~を切る, ~が切れる)

◼ Example: My mother used scissors to cut my hair.
◻ Note: Please use 'cut' in a sentence.

4. Quiet adjective [kwahy-it]

- a person who talks very little

◼ Example: He is a shy and quiet man.
◻ Note: Do you know anyone who is quiet?

5. Noisy adjective [noi-zee]

- a person or thing thing that makes a lot of noise

◼ Example: People in the market are very noisy.
◻ Note: Do you know a place that is noisy?


◼ With

◼ Scissors

◼ Quiet

◼ Noisy

◼ Cut

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. a person or thing thing that makes a lot of noise

_____ 2. a tool for cutting paper or hair

_____ 3. a person who talks very little

_____ 4. to use a knife or scissors to divide something

_____ 5. used to say that people or things are in a place together or are doing something together


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) The children in the park are very _____.

a. noisy

b. cut

c. scissors

d. with

2) My dog is very _____. It doesn't make any noise.

a. scissors

b. with

c. cut

d. quiet

3) He _______ the meat in half.

a. cut

b. noisy

c. quiet

d. scissors

4) I want to go to the mall ____ you.

a. scissors

b. noisy

c. with

d. quiet

5) I need _____ to cut the rope.

a. with

b. cut

c. noisy

d. scissors