
ボキャブラリー レッスン27


1. Pool noun [pool]

- an area of water that is made for swimming

◼ Example: We will swim in the pool today.
◻ Note: Do you like swimming in the pool?

2. Home noun [hohm]

- the place where you and your family live
(家, 家庭)

◼ Example: I stay at home every day.
◻ Note: What time do you go back to your home?

3. Juice noun [food]

- the liquid that comes from fruit or vegetables

◼ Example: He likes orange juice .
◻ Note: What juice do you like?

4. Book noun [book]

- a written or printed text made for reading
[本, (印刷・電子の)書籍]

◼ Example: Jimmy likes to read books.
◻ Note: What is your favorite book?

5. Music noun [myoo-zik]

- sounds that is made by playing instruments or singing

◼ Example: He likes listening to dance music.
◻ Note: What kind of music do you listen to?


◼ Pool

◼ Home

◼ Juice

◼ Book

◼ Music

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. a written or printed text made for reading

_____ 2. the liquid that comes from fruit or vegetables

_____ 3. the place where you and your family live

_____ 4. sounds that is made by playing instruments or singing

_____ 5. an area of water that is made for swimming


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) My ______ is in Kyoto.

a. music

b. home

c. book

d. juice

2) Mimi likes to drink fruit _____ for breakfast.

a. music

b. juice

c. book

d. home

3) Jenny reads story _____ at home.

a. books

b. music

c. juice

d. pool

4) Japanese pop _____ is very popular in the world.

a. juice

b. music

c. pool

d. home

5) We need to clean the swimming _____ today.

a. juice

b. pool

c. music

d. home