
ボキャブラリー レッスン24


1. Blue noun [bloo]

- the color of the sky when there are no clouds
(青, 青色)

◼ Example: The color of his bag is blue.
◻ Note: Bring me something 'blue'.

2. Third adjective [thurd]

- being next after the second

◼ Example: This is my third piece of cake.
◻ Note: Please use 'third' in a sentence.

3. Love verb [luhv]

- to like someone or something very much

◼ Example: My mother loves me.
◻ Note: What do you love to do?

4. Cute adjective [kyoot]

- (esp. of something or someone small or young) charming and attractive

◼ Example: The cute child is looking at me.
◻ Note: What cute things do you have?

5. High adjective [hahy]

- great in amount or level

◼ Example: The price of vegetable is high.
◻ Note: Please use 'high' in a sentence.


◼ Blue

◼ Third

◼ Love

◼ Cute

◼ High

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. being next after the second

_____ 2. (esp. of something or someone small or young) charming and attractive

_____ 3. to like someone or something very much

_____ 4. the colour of the sky when there are no clouds

_____ 5. great in amount or level


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) My friend _____ her pets.

a. cute

b. loves

c. third

d. blue

2) I use a _____ crayon to color the sea.

a. blue

b. third

c. love

d. high

3) I got a _____ grade in English.

a. cute

b. high

c. love

d. blue

4) The girl wants to buy the ____ doll in the toy store.

a. love

b. high

c. cute

d. third

5) This cat is my _____ pet. The first one was a bird and the second one was a dog.

a. cute

b. third

c. high

d. love