
ボキャブラリー レッスン23


1. Hair noun [hair]

- the strands that grow on the head and body of people and animals
(髪, 毛)

◼ Example: She has very long black hair .
◻ Note: How often do you get a haircut?

2. Coin noun [koin]

- a flat, round piece of metal used as money

◼ Example: His pocket was full of coins .
◻ Note: Do you have any coins?

3. Second adjective [sek-uhnd]

- being the one after the first
(2番目の, 2つめの)

◼ Example: This is his second piece of cake.
◻ Note: Please use 'second' in your own sentence.

4. Diary noun [dahy-uh-ree]

- a book in which you write about what you did and your thoughts and feelings

◼ Example: I write about all my trips in my diary.
◻ Note: Do you have a diary?

5. Week noun [week]

- a period of seven days

◼ Example: I will meet my grandmother next week.
◻ Note: What will you do next week?


◼ Hair

◼ Coin

◼ Second

◼ Diary

◼ Week

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. a book in which you write about what you did and your thoughts and feelings

_____ 2. being the one after the first

_____ 3. a period of seven days

_____ 4. the strands that grow on the head and body of people and animals

_____ 5. a flat, round piece of metal used as money


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) Betty's _____ is beautiful. It's long, black and shiny.

a. hair

b. coin

c. diary

d. week

2) I put my _____ in a coin bank for future use.

a. diaries

b. coins

c. weeks

d. hair

3) I went to the museum last ______.

a. coin

b. diary

c. week

d. second

4) This is the _____ time that I saw her in this school.

a. coin

b. week

c. second

d. diary

5) The girl always writes in her _____ after school.

a. coin

b. diary

c. week

d. hair