
ボキャブラリー レッスン21


1. Song noun [sawng,song]

- a short piece of music that is for singing
(歌, 歌曲)

◼ Example: The band is playing my favorite song .
◻ Note: What song do you like to sing?

2. Color verb [kuhl-er]

- to make something a particular color

◼ Example: I drew an apple and colored it red.
◻ Note: What do you use to color pictures?

3. Movie noun [mov-ee]

- a story that is shown in moving pictures on a screen, usually at a cinema or on TV

◼ Example: He likes funny movies.
◻ Note: What is your favorite movie?

4. Day noun [dey]

- the period during the day when there is light from the sun

◼ Example: It's a bright, sunny day today.
◻ Note: Do you do many things during the day?

5. Look verb [look]

- to turn your eyes in the direction of something or someone

◼ Example: The dog is looking out the window.
◻ Note: Please use 'look' in a sentence.


◼ Song

◼ Color

◼ Movie

◼ Day

◼ Look

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. a story that is shown in moving pictures on a screen, usually at a cinema or on TV

_____ 2. a short piece of music that is for singing

_____ 3. to make something a particular color

_____ 4. the period during the day when there is light from the sun

_____ 5. to turn your eyes in the direction of something or someone


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) The band plays their most popular _____.

a. song

b. color

c. movie

d. day

2) Lisa drew a heart and _____ it red.

a. day

b. movie

c. colored

d. sang

3) Lily likes watching horror ______.

a. days

b. movies

c. looks

d. songs

4) We saw a dolphin when we were _______ at the sea.

a. song

b. color

c. looking

d. movie

5) I had a busy _____ at work today.

a. day

b. movie

c. color

d. song