
ボキャブラリー レッスン18


1. Jump verb [juhmp]

- to push your body up and away from the ground using your feet and legs

◼ Example: The frogs jump up and down.
◻ Note: Can you jump high?

2. Walk verb [wawk]

- to move forward by putting one foot in front of the other and then repeating the action

◼ Example: I like walking along the seashore.
◻ Note: Do you walk to school?

3. Glass noun [glas,glahs]

- a hard, clear substance that objects such as windows and bottles are made of

◼ Example: The bottle is made of glass .
◻ Note: Please give an example of a thing that is made of glass.

4. Hand verb [hand]

- to give something to someone

◼ Example: Could you hand me the rice, please?
◻ Note: Please use 'hand' as a verb in your sentence.

5. Last adjective [last, lahst]

- happening or coming at the end

◼ Example: I am reading the last page of the book.
◻ Note: Did you watch the last "Harry Potter" movie?


◼ Jump

◼ Walk

◼ Glass

◼ Hand

◼ Last

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. to move forward by putting one foot in front of the other and then repeating the action

_____ 2. to give something to someone

_____ 3. happening or coming at the end

_____ 4. a hard, clear substance that objects such as windows and bottles are made of

_____ 5. to push your body up and away from the ground using your feet and legs


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) Please _____ this letter to your mother.

a. jump

b. hand

c. walk

d. last

2) Math is my _____ class in the afternoon.

a. walk

b. last

c. glass

d. hand

3) The boy said sorry for breaking the _____ window.

a. hand

b. glass

c. jump

d. walk

4) I will _____ into the water to swim.

a. glass

b. jump

c. walk

d. glass

5) I always _____ to the market to buy some vegetables.

a. walk

b. jump

c. hand

d. glass