
ボキャブラリー レッスン16


1. Wash verb [wosh, wawsh]

- to make something clean using water and soap
[(物)を洗う, ~を洗濯する]

◼ Example: I wash my face in the morning.
◻ Note: Do you wash your hand before eating?

2. On preposition [on,awn]

- on a surface of something

◼ Example: I put my books on the table.
◻ Note: Where do you put your books?

3. In preposition [In]

- inside; within

◼ Example: No shouting in the library.
◻ Note: What can you see in the living room?

4. To preposition [too]

- in the direction of something
(~へ, ~の方向へ)

◼ Example: I went to the city yesterday.
◻ Note: When do you go to the supermarket?

5. Run verb [ruhn]

- to move on your feet at a faster speed than walking

◼ Example: We ran to the train station.
◻ Note: Can you run fast?


◼ Wash

◼ On

◼ In

◼ To

◼ Run

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. inside; within

_____ 2. to move on your feet at a faster speed than walking

_____ 3. in the direction of something

_____ 4. to make something clean using water and soap

_____ 5. on a surface of something


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) It is nice to _____ clothes today because it's sunny.

a. in

b. wash

c. on

d. run

2) The cat is ___ the desk.

a. wash

b. in

c. on

d. run

3) The students are ___ the classroom.

a. on

b. in

c. run

d. to

4) We will go __ the mall later.

a. on

b. to

c. in

d. run

5) He always wins the race because he _____ fast.

a. runs

b. on

c. to

d. washes