
ボキャブラリー レッスン13


1. Date noun [deyt]

- a particular day of the month or year

◼ Example: My birth date is January 16, 1990.
◻ Note: What is the date today?

2. Hour noun [ouuh r,ou -er]

- a period of time equal to 60 minutes

◼ Example: I did my homework for one hour.
◻ Note: How many hours are there in one day?

3. Time noun [tayhm]

- what we measure in hours, days, years, etc.
(時, 時間)

◼ Example: The time now is 9:00.
◻ Note: What time is it?

4. Clock noun [klok]

- a device that shows you what time it is

◼ Example: We have five clocks in our house.
◻ Note: Do you have a clock in your room?

5. What pronoun [hwuht, wot]

- used to ask for information about something
[何, どんなもの(こと)]

◼ Example: What is that?
◻ Note: What is your mother's name?


◼ Date

◼ Hour

◼ Time

◼ Clock

◼ What

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. a device that shows you what time it is

_____ 2. what we measure in hours, days, years, etc.

_____ 3. a period of time equal to 60 minutes

_____ 4. used to ask for information about something

_____ 5. a particular day of the month or year


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) I need four ____ to finish my school project.

a. times

b. hours

c. dates

d. clocks

2) It's _____ to wake up to go to school.

a. date

b. time

c. hour

d. clock

3) The ____ in our house was broken.

a. clock

b. time

c. hour

d. what

4) _____ did the man say to you?

a. What

b. Time

c. Hour

d. Clock

5) What is the _____ tomorrow?

a. date

b. clock

c. what

d. hour