
ボキャブラリー レッスン99

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. There adverb [thair]

in, at, or to that place or position

◼ Example: Is your bag over there?
◻ Note: What is there in your room?

2. Relax verb [ri-laks]

to rest or do something enjoyable to reduce stress or tension

◼ Example: I like to relax by listening to music.
◻ Note: How do you like to relax?

3. Homestay noun [hohm-stey]

a program where students live with a local family while studying abroad

◼ Example: I had a great homestay experience in Canada.
◻ Note: Have you ever done a homestay?

4. Corner noun [kawr-ner]

the point where two lines or edges meet to form an angle

◼ Example: The cat is hiding in the corner.
◻ Note: What is in the corner of your room?

5. Prize noun [prahyz]

something valuable that is given as a reward for winning a competition, contest, or game

◼ Example: She won the first prize in the science fair.
◻ Note: Have you ever won a prize in a competition?

Part 2: Exercise 1

◼ there

◼ relax

◼ homestay

◼ corner

◼ prize

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. something valuable that is given as a reward for winning a competition, contest, or game

_____ 2. the point where two lines or edges meet to form an angle

_____ 3. a program where students live with a local family while studying abroad

_____ 4. in, at, or to that place or position

_____ 5. to rest or do something enjoyable to reduce stress or tension

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) I like to read a book _____ I have free time.

a. prize

b. there

c. homestay

d. relax

2) The cat is hiding in the _____ of the room.

a. relax

b. corner

c. prize

d. homestay

3) My cousin won first _____ in the singing contest.

a. corner

b. prize

c. homestay

d. there

4) I did a _____ program when I studied abroad in Japan.

a. there

b. relax

c. homestay

d. prize

5) Can you help me move the sofa to the _____ of the room?

a. corner

b. there

c. prize

d. homestay