
ボキャブラリー レッスン94

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. Move to A (from B) verb [moov]

to change your home or workplace and go to live or work in a different place

◼ Example: We're moving to a bigger house next month.
◻ Note: Have you ever moved to a different city or country?

2. Violin noun [vahy-uh-lin]

a musical instrument with strings, that is played with a bow

◼ Example: She played the violin beautifully at the concert.
◻ Note: Do you play any musical instruments?

3. Magazine noun [mag-uh-zeen, -zin]

a type of book that has a paper cover and contains articles and photographs

◼ Example: I like to read fashion magazines.
◻ Note: What is your favorite magazine?

4. Visitor noun [viz-i-ter]

someone who goes to see a person or place

◼ Example: My friend from Canada is a visitor in Japan.
◻ Note: Have you had any visitors recently?

5. Noon noun [noon]

12 o'clock in the daytime

◼ Example: I always eat lunch at noon.
◻ Note: What time do you usually have lunch?

Part 2: Exercise 1

◼ move to A (from B)

◼ violin

◼ magazine

◼ visitor

◼ noon

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. to change your home or workplace and go to live or work in a different place

_____ 2. a musical instrument with strings, that is played with a bow

_____ 3. a type of book that has a paper cover and contains articles and photographs

_____ 4. someone who goes to see a person or place

_____ 5. 12 o'clock in the daytime

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) We are going to _____ Tokyo to live.

a. move to A (from B)

b. violin

c. magazine

d. visitor

2) She started learning the _____ when she was five years old.

a. magazine

b. visitor

c. noon

d. violin

3) My friend gave me a _____ as a birthday present.

a. move to A (from B)

b. visitor

c. magazine

d. noon

4) The _____ from France is coming to see us tomorrow.

a. magazine

b. noon

c. visitor

d. violin

5) Let's meet at the park at _____.

a. visitor

b. noon

c. violin

d. magazine