
ボキャブラリー レッスン92

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. Sandwich noun [san-dwich, - wich]

two slices of bread with a filling in between

◼ Example: I made a ham and cheese sandwich for lunch.
◻ Note: What is your favorite type of sandwich?

2. Swim verb [swim]

to move through water by moving your arms and legs

◼ Example: I love to swim in the ocean.
◻ Note: Do you know how to swim?

3. Australia noun [aw-strey-lee-uh]

a country and continent located in the southern hemisphere

◼ Example: My cousin lives in Australia.
◻ Note: Have you ever been to Australia?

4. Worry verb [wur-ee, wuhr-ee]

to feel anxious or concerned about something

◼ Example: Don't worry, everything will be okay.
◻ Note: What do you worry about the most?

5. Tie noun [tahy]

a piece of material worn around the neck, typically with a shirt and suit jacket

◼ Example: He wore a red tie to the wedding.
◻ Note: Do you wear a tie to work or school?

Part 2: Exercise 1

◼ sandwich

◼ swim

◼ Australia

◼ worry

◼ tie

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. a piece of material worn around the neck, typically with a shirt and suit jacket

_____ 2. a country and continent located in the southern hemisphere

_____ 3. to move through water by moving your arms and legs

_____ 4. two slices of bread with a filling in between

_____ 5. to feel anxious or concerned about something

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) I always wear a _____ to job interviews.

a. sandwich

b. swim

c. Australia

d. tie

2) I'm so nervous about my exam tomorrow. I can't stop _____.

a. sandwich

b. swim

c. Australia

d. worrying

3) My favorite thing to do in the summer is _____ in the pool.

a. sandwich

b. swim

c. Australia

d. tie

4) Have you ever been to _____? I want to visit there someday.

a. sandwich

b. swim

c. Australia

d. tie

5) Can you make me a turkey and cheese _____ for lunch?

a. sandwich

b. swim

c. Australia

d. tie