
ボキャブラリー レッスン87

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. Teach verb [teech]

to give someone knowledge or help someone to learn something

◼ Example: My mother teaches English at a school.
◻ Note: Have you ever taught anything to anyone?

2. Picture noun [pik-cher]

a painting, drawing or photograph

◼ Example: I bought a picture of a beautiful landscape.
◻ Note: Do you like taking pictures?

3. Farm noun [fahrm]

a piece of land used for growing crops or keeping animals

◼ Example: My grandparents have a farm in the countryside.
◻ Note: Have you ever visited a farm?

4. Key noun [kee]

a small piece of metal or plastic that is used to open or close a lock, start a car, etc.

◼ Example: I lost the key to my apartment.
◻ Note: How many keys do you have?

5. Once adverb [wuhns]

at some time in the past

◼ Example: Once, I lived in Tokyo.
◻ Note: Have you ever visited Tokyo?

Part 2: Exercise 1

◼ teach

◼ picture

◼ farm

◼ key

◼ once

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. to give someone knowledge or help someone to learn something

_____ 2. a painting, drawing or photograph

_____ 3. a piece of land used for growing crops or keeping animals

_____ 4. a small piece of metal or plastic that is used to open or close a lock, start a car, etc.

_____ 5. at some time in the past

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) Can you _____ me how to play chess?

a. farm

b. key

c. picture

d. teach

2) I saw a beautiful _____ at the art museum.

a. farm

b. key

c. picture

d. once

3) My uncle owns a _____ in the countryside.

a. farm

b. once

c. key

d. picture

4) I can't find the _____ to my suitcase.

a. farm

b. key

c. teach

d. picture

5) I _____ visited New York City when I was a child.

a. key

b. farm

c. once

d. picture