
ボキャブラリー レッスン75

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. Right now adverb [rahyt nou]

at this moment; immediately

◼ Example: I am busy right now.
◻ Note: What are you doing right now?

2. Between preposition [bih-tween]

in or through the space separating two objects, people, or places

◼ Example: The store is between the bank and the post office.
◻ Note: What is between your house and the convenience store?

3. Believe in phrasal verb [bih-leev in]

to have faith or confidence in the existence or actions of something or someone

◼ Example: I believe in myself.
◻ Note: What do you believe in?

4. Daughter noun [daw-ter]

a female child in relation to her parents

◼ Example: His daughter is very intelligent.
◻ Note: Do you have any daughters or sons?

5. All determiner, pronoun, adverb [awl]

the whole quantity or extent of something; without exception

◼ Example: All students should arrive on time.
◻ Note: Have you finished all your homework?

Part 2: Exercise 1

◼ right now

◼ between

◼ believe in

◼ daughter

◼ all

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. at this moment; immediately

_____ 2. in or through the space separating two objects, people, or places

_____ 3. to have faith or confidence in the existence or actions of something or someone

_____ 4. a female child in relation to her parents

_____ 5. the whole quantity or extent of something; without exception

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) I can't talk right now. I'm _____ in the middle of something.

a. between

b. all

c. believe in

d. daughter

2) She has _____ sons and one _____.

a. all, daughter

b. between, daughter

c. right now, believe in

d. daughter, all

3) I _____ that everything will be okay.

a. daughter

b. believe in

c. between

d. all

4) He lives _____ the library and the post office.

a. all

b. daughter

c. believe in

d. between

5) _____ students should attend the meeting.

a. Between

b. Daughter

c. All

d. Believe in