
ボキャブラリー レッスン61

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. Month noun [muhnth]

one of the twelve divisions of the calendar year

◼ Example: My birthday is in November, which is the eleventh month of the year.
◻ Note: What is your favorite month?

2. Hamburger noun [ham-bur-ger]

a flat, round sandwich consisting of a cooked beef patty in a bun, typically with various condiments and toppings

◼ Example: I ordered a hamburger and fries at the fast food restaurant.
◻ Note: Do you like hamburgers or hot dogs?

3. Take a shower phrase [teyk uh shou-er]

to wash one's body while standing in a shower

◼ Example: I take a shower every morning before going to work.
◻ Note: Do you take a shower in the morning or at night?

4. Surfing noun [sur-fing]

the sport of riding on a wave towards the shore while standing or lying on a board

◼ Example: I love surfing in the ocean during the summer.
◻ Note: Have you ever tried surfing before?

5. Soup adverb [soop]

a liquid dish, typically savory and made by cooking meat, fish, or vegetables in stock or water

◼ Example: I made a delicious chicken noodle soup for dinner.
◻ Note: What is your favorite type of soup?

Part 2: Exercise 1

◼ Month

◼ Hamburger

◼ Take a shower

◼ Surfing

◼ Soup

Give the word being asked for each number.


__________ 1. a flat, round sandwich consisting of a cooked beef patty in a bun, typically with various condiments and toppings

__________ 2. the sport of riding on a wave towards the shore while standing or lying on a board

__________ 3. to wash one's body while standing in a shower

__________ 4. a liquid dish, typically savory and made by cooking meat, fish, or vegetables in stock or water

__________ 5. one of the twelve divisions of the calendar year

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) I’m hungry. Let’s go to the restaurant and eat a _____.

a. Surfing

b. Hamburger

c. Soup

d. Month

2) After playing soccer, I always _____ to clean up and feel refreshed.

a. Hamburger

b. Soup

c. Take a shower

d. Surfing

3) My friend loves _____ and goes to the beach every weekend.

a. Surfing

b. Month

c. Soup

d. Take a shower

4) The weather is getting colder, so I want to make some hot _____ for dinner.

a. Month

b. Hamburger

c. Surfing

d. Soup

5) I want to plan a vacation in the summer _____.

a. Take a shower

b. Soup

c. Hamburger

d. Month