
ボキャブラリー レッスン53

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. Do one's homework [doo-wuhnz-hohm-wurk]

to complete schoolwork assigned by a teacher

◼ Example: I have to do my homework before I can watch TV.
◻ Note: Do you always do your homework on time?

2. Ask verb [ask]

to inquire or request information about something from someone
[(人に)尋ねる, 質問する]

◼ Example: I need to ask my teacher a question about the homework.
◻ Note: Do you like to ask questions in class?

3. Gold noun [gohld]

a yellow precious metal, used especially in jewelry and decoration and as a symbol of wealth and prestige

◼ Example: She inherited a gold necklace from her grandmother.
◻ Note: Have you ever seen real gold before?

4. Computer noun [kuhm-pyoo-ter]

an electronic device that can store, retrieve, and process data

◼ Example: I use my computer to do homework and play games.
◻ Note: How often do you use a computer?

5. Run verb [ruhn]

to move swiftly on foot

◼ Example: I like to run in the park in the morning.
◻ Note: Do you like to run?

Part 2: Exercise 1

◼ Do one's homework

◼ Ask

◼ Gold

◼ Computer

◼ Run

Give the word being asked for each number.


__________ 1. an electronic device that can store, retrieve, and process data

__________ 2. to move swiftly on foot

__________ 3. to complete schoolwork assigned by a teacher

__________ 4. a yellow precious metal, used especially in jewelry and decoration and as a symbol of wealth and prestige

__________ 5. to inquire or request information about something from someone

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) I like to _____ in the morning before I start my day.

a. Ask

b. Gold

c. Computer

d. Run

2) I have to _____ my teacher for help with the math problem.

a. Do one's homework

b. Ask

c. Run

d. Gold

3) She won a _____ medal in the Olympics.

a. Computer

b. Run

c. Gold

d. Ask

4) He needs to _____ his computer to finish his project.

a. Run

b. Ask

c. Do one's homework

d. Computer

5) I always _____ my homework before I go to bed.

a. Gold

b. Ask

c. Run

d. Do