
ボキャブラリー レッスン52

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. Write to [rahyt too]

to compose a letter or message and send it to someone

◼ Example: I will write to my friend who lives in Canada.
◻ Note: When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone?

2. In the future [in thuh fyoo-che]

a period of time that is to come, often considered to be a time when things will be better or more successful
[未来に, 将来に]

◼ Example: In the future, I want to become a doctor.
◻ Note: What do you want to do in the future?

3. Carry verb [kar-ee]

to hold or support (something) while moving
[運ぶ, 持つ]

◼ Example: I can’t carry this heavy box by myself.
◻ Note: What kind of things do you usually carry with you?

4. Arrive at [uh-rahyv at]

to reach a destination

◼ Example: We will arrive at the airport at 8 pm.
◻ Note: What time did you arrive at school today?

5. Everything [ev-ree-thing]

all things; all the things that are important
[全てのもの, すべて]

◼ Example: I forgot everything that the teacher said in class today.
◻ Note: Have you ever lost everything in your life?

Part 2: Exercise 1

◼ Write to

◼ In the future

◼ Carry

◼ Arrive at

◼ Everything

Give the word being asked for each number.


__________ 1. a period of time that is to come, often considered to be a time when things will be better or more successful

__________ 2. to hold or support (something) while moving

__________ 3. all things; all the things that are important

__________ 4. to reach a destination

__________ 5. to compose a letter or message and send it to someone

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) I want to _____ my friend who lives in England.

a. Carry

b. Arrive at

c. Write to

d. Everything

2) What do you want to do _____?

a. Carry

b. Arrive at

c. Write to

d. In the future

3) I need to _____ this heavy bag to the post office.

a. Write to

b. Carry

c. Everything

d. Arrive at

4) We will _____ the station in 20 minutes.

a. In the future

b. Write to

c. Arrive at

d. Everything

5) I forgot to _____ my teacher about my absence yesterday.

a. Carry

b. Write to

c. Arrive at

d. In the future