
ボキャブラリー レッスン51

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. Talk to adverb [tawk tuh]

to have a conversation with someone

◼ Example: I need to talk to my boss about my vacation schedule.
◻ Note: Who do you like to talk to the most?

2. Than conjunction [thuhn]

used in comparisons to introduce the second element, which is to be compared with the first

◼ Example: I am taller than my younger brother.
◻ Note: Do you think studying is more important than playing?

3. Cousin noun [kuhz-uhn]

a child of one's uncle or aunt

◼ Example: My cousin and I are very close. We often hang out together.
◻ Note: Do you have any cousins? How many?

4. A lot of pronoun [uh lot uhv]

a large amount or quantity of something

◼ Example: I have a lot of homework to do tonight.
◻ Note: Have you eaten a lot of sushi before?

5. Both determiner, pronoun, predeterminer [bohth]

the two of two people or things; considered together

◼ Example: Both of my parents are doctors.
◻ Note: Do you prefer coffee or tea, or both?

Part 2: Exercise 1

◼ Talk to

◼ Than

◼ Cousin

◼ A lot of

◼ Both

Give the word being asked for each number.


__________ 1. to have a conversation with someone

__________ 2. a child of one's uncle or aunt

__________ 3. a large amount or quantity of something

__________ 4. used in comparisons to introduce the second element, which is to be compared with the first

__________ 5. the two of two people or things; considered together

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) I want to _____ my friend about my recent trip to Tokyo.

a. Talk to

b. Than

c. Cousin

d. A lot of

2) I like coffee and tea _____, but I prefer coffee in the morning.

a. Talk to

b. Than

c. Both

d. A lot of

3) My _____ is getting married next month. I am very happy for her.

a. Talk to

b. Than

c. Cousin

d. Both

4) There are _____ people waiting in line for the concert tickets.

a. Talk to

b. Than

c. A lot of

d. Both

5) My English teacher always _____ us with our pronunciation.

a. Talk to

b. Than

c. Cousin

d. Helps