
ボキャブラリー レッスン46

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. Order verb [awr-der]

to request or command (something) to be made, supplied, or done
[(物事を)注文する, 命令する]

◼ Example: I would like to order a pizza for delivery.
◻ Note: What do you usually order when you go to a restaurant?

2. Check verb [chek]

to examine or investigate (something) to ensure its accuracy, quality, or condition
[(物事を)調べる, 確認する]

◼ Example: Please check the spelling of your name on the form.
◻ Note: Do you always check your emails before sending them?

3. (Just) around the corner phrase [uh-round thuh kawr-ner]

very close or nearby
[すぐそこにある, 間近に迫った]

◼ Example: The train station is just around the corner from here.
◻ Note: Is there a convenience store around the corner of your house?

4. Tired adjective [tahy-erd]

feeling the need to rest or sleep
[疲れた, 疲れている]

◼ Example: I am so tired after playing sports all day.
◻ Note: Do you get tired easily?

5. Feel better phrase [feel bet-er]

to become healthier or feel less sick
[回復する, 気分が良くなる]

◼ Example: I took some medicine and now I feel better.
◻ Note: What do you usually do to make yourself feel better when you are sick?

Part 2: Exercise 1

◼ Order

◼ Check

◼ (Just) around the corner

◼ Tired

◼ Feel better

Give the word being asked for each number.


__________ 1. feeling the need to rest or sleep

__________ 2. to become healthier or feel less sick

__________ 3. to examine or investigate (something) to ensure its accuracy, quality, or condition

__________ 4. very close or nearby

__________ 5. to request or command (something) to be made, supplied, or done

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) The supermarket is _____ from my house. I can walk there in 5 minutes.

a. Around the corner

b. Tired

c. Check

d. Feel better

2) I am so _____ today. I need to take a nap.

a. Check

b. Order

c. Tired

d. Feel better

3) Please _____ my homework before I submit it.

a. Order

b. Check

c. Feel better

d. Around the corner

4) I want to _____ a new pair of shoes online.

a. Tired

b. Check

c. Order

d. Feel better

5) The restaurant is _____ from the movie theater. Let’s go there for dinner.

a. Order

b. Around the corner

c. Tired

d. Feel better