
ボキャブラリー レッスン42

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. Bath noun [bath]

a large container for water, in which someone can sit and wash their body

◼ Example: I usually take a bath before going to bed.
◻ Note: Do you prefer taking a bath or a shower?

2. Just adverb [juhst]

very recently; in the immediate past

◼ Example: I have just finished my homework.
◻ Note: Have you eaten lunch yet? - Yes, I just finished.

3. Pasta noun [pah-stuh]

a dish that typically consists of noodles made from durum wheat, water, and sometimes eggs

◼ Example: I love eating pasta with tomato sauce.
◻ Note: Do you like pasta? What is your favorite pasta dish?

4. Doctor noun [dok-ter]

a person who is qualified to treat people who are ill or injured

◼ Example: My sister wants to become a doctor when she grows up.
◻ Note: Have you ever been to a doctor before?

5. Strong adjective [strawng, strong]

having the power to move heavy weights or perform other physically demanding tasks

◼ Example: He is very strong. He can lift heavy weights.
◻ Note: Are you strong? Do you like doing exercise?

Part 2: Exercise 1

◼ Bath

◼ Just

◼ Pasta

◼ Doctor

◼ Strong

Give the word being asked for each number.


__________ 1. a dish that typically consists of noodles made from durum wheat, water, and sometimes eggs

__________ 2. having the power to move heavy weights or perform other physically demanding tasks

__________ 3. a person who is qualified to treat people who are ill or injured

__________ 4. a large container for water, in which someone can sit and wash their body

__________ 5. very recently; in the immediate past

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) I feel so tired. I need to take a _____ before I go to bed.

a. Doctor

b. Strong

c. Pasta

d. Bath

2) I _____ got a new phone. It's very cool.

a. Just

b. Bath

c. Pasta

d. Doctor

3) My father is a _____ . He works at the hospital.

a. Strong

b. Just

c. Doctor

d. Bath

4) Can you _____ me carry this box? It's very heavy.

a. Help

b. Study

c. Catch

d. Strong

5) I love to eat _____ with tomato sauce and cheese.

a. Bath

b. Just

c. Pasta

d. Doctor