
ボキャブラリー レッスン36


1. Soap noun [sohp]

- a substance used for washing the body, clothes or other things

◼ Example: They washed their hands with soap.
◻ Note: Do you wash your hands with soap?

2. Life noun [lahyf]

- the time between birth and death, or the experience or state of being alive

◼ Example: She is happy and healthy for most of her life.
◻ Note: What animal has the shortest life?

3. Size noun [sahyz]

- how large or small something or someone is
(規模, 大きさ)

◼ Example: This size doesn’t fit me. It’s too small.
◻ Note: Do you know the size of your shirt?

4. Contest noun [kon-test]

- a competition to do better than other people, usually in which prizes are given

◼ Example: Nancy was surprised that Bob won the first prize in the singing contest.
◻ Note: Have you ever won in a contest?

5. Band noun [band]

- a group of musicians who play music together

◼ Example: I am a member of a band . I play the guitar.
◻ Note: Do you have a favorite band?


◼ Soap

◼ Life

◼ Size

◼ Contest

◼ Band

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. the time between birth and death, or the experience or state of being alive

_____ 2. a substance used for washing the body, clothes or other things

_____ 3. how large or small something or someone is

_____ 4. a group of musicians who play music together

_____ 5. a competition to do better than other people, usually in which prizes are given


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) These shirts are the same. They have the same _____.

a. Band

b. Soap

c. Size

d. Life

2) My friend and I play the drums in the school _____.

a. Size

b. Band

c. Soap

d. Life

3) Emily won first prize in the speech _____.

a. Soap

b. Life

c. Size

d. Contest

4) The _____ of an insect only lasts for about 4 months.

a. Contest

b. Soap

c. Life

d. Band

5) If a dog bites you, wash it with _____ and water.

a. Band

b. Soap

c. Life

d. Size

パート3: ショートストーリー

The Puppy and the Kitten

My family just bought a puppy and a kitten from the pet shop in the town mall. They were so young. They did not even have names yet. My sister and I had to think of good names for them.
The puppy likes to sleep. It likes to sleep on my bed. The kitten likes to play with a ball. It plays with my old tennis ball.
“What do you want us to name them?” asked Mom.

My sister said, “Let’s name the puppy Nemui. It’s always sleepy.” We all laughed.
“Let’s name the kitten Tama. It always plays with a ball,” I told them.

“That’s a good idea!’ said Dad. We all thought those names were very good.

Choose the correct answers to the questions.


1) What animals did they buy?

a. A rabbit and a hamster

b. A dog and a cat

c. A puppy and a kitten

d. A bird and turtle

2) Where did they buy the animals?

a. Animal shelter

b. Pet shop

c. Shopping mall

d. Market

3) What does the puppy like to do?

a. Sleep

b. Eat bones

c. Catch the kitten

d. Play with a ball

4) What does the kitten like to do?

a. Eat fishbone

b. Catch mice

c. Sleep

d. Play with a ball

5) They named the puppy Nemui because…

a. It always plays with a ball

b. It’s very young

c. It’s very cute

d. It’s always sleepy