
ボキャブラリー レッスン35


1. Letter noun [let-er]

- some writing that you send to someone, usually by post

◼ Example:Did you get my letter ? I went to the post office last week to send it.
◻ Note: Does anyone send you letters? Who?

2. Book noun [book]

- a written or printed work consisting of pages, contains information or stories
[本, (印刷・電子の)書籍]

◼ Example: My uncle gave me a book. It’s about insects.
◻ Note: What is your favorite book?

3. Dictionary noun [dik-shuh-ner-ee]

- a book that contains a list of words with their meanings explained and sometimes written in another language

◼ Example: I have a dictionary. I use it to find and learn new English words.
◻ Note: Do you use a dictionary?

4. Idea noun [ahy-dee-uh, ahy-deeuh]

- a suggestion or plan for doing something, an understanding
(考え, アイディア)

◼ Example: A: Let’s watch a movie.
B: That’s a good idea.
◻ Note: Do you have any idea what to do after this lesson?

5. Dream noun [dreem]

- a series of events or images that happen in your mind when you are sleeping

◼ Example: I had a funny dream last night. I dreamed that I was a clown.
◻ Note: Do you remember your dreams?


◼ Letter

◼ Book

◼ Dictionary

◼ Idea

◼ Dream

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. a book that contains a list of words with their meanings explained and sometimes written in another language

_____ 2. some writing that you send to someone, usually by post

_____ 3. a written or printed work consisting of pages, contains information or stories

_____ 4. a series of events or images that happen in your mind when you are sleeping

_____ 5. a suggestion or plan for doing something, an understanding


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) I borrowed a _____ from the library. I will read it this weekend.

a. Letter

b. Book

c. Idea

d. Dream

2) Tim saw a monster in his sleep. He had a bad _____.

a. Dictionary

b. Dream

c. Book

d. Letter

3) I think it’s a great _____ to go on a picnic today.

a. Idea

b. Book

c. Dream

d. Letter

4) I look up all the English words I don’t know in a _____.

a. Letter

b. Dream

c. Idea

d. Dictionary

5) Can you come to the post office with me? I need to send this _____ to an old friend.

a. Letter

b. Dream

c. Book

d. Dictionary

パート3: Eメール

From: Cindy
To: Mom
Date: March 16
Subject: It’s fun in Hawaii!

Dear Mom,

How are you, Mom? I’m having fun at my friend’s house here in Hawaii. Yesterday, we went to the beach. I learned how to swim underwater. I was so excited! I found beautiful shells in the sand. I will bring them home to you. Tomorrow, we will go to a baseball game.
I’ll go back home on March 21 Wednesday. I can’t wait to see you. I’ll tell you all about my great time here.

From: Mom
To: Cindy
Date: March 16
Subject: Take care!

Dear Cindy,

Thank you for sending me an email. I’m so happy to know that you are having fun at your friend’s house there in Hawaii.

I know you really love swimming, but always take care, OK?
Dad and I will go to the airport on March 21 Wednesday to pick you up. Aunt Bertha will come and visit us on that day too. She is excited to see you.

I’ll bake your favorite cookies on Wednesday.

See you soon!


Choose the correct answers to the questions.


1) What did Cindy learn yesterday?

a. How to swim

b. How to play baseball

c. How to bake cookies

d. How to swim underwater

2) When will Cindy go back home?

a. on March 21 Monday

b. on March 12 Monday

c. on March 21 Wednesday

d. on March 12 Wednesday

3) Who will come and visit them on Wednesday?

a. Cindy’s friend from Hawaii

b. Aunt Bertha

c. Cindy’s school friends

d. Uncle Bert