
ボキャブラリー レッスン30


1. Stop verb [stop]

- to come to an end

◼ Example: You have to stop writing when you hear the bell rings.
◻ Note: Use ‘stop’ in a sentence.

2. Make verb [meyk]

- to cause to happen, to bring about, to create

◼ Example: My mother makes beautiful scarves for me.
◻ Note: Can you make an English sentence?

3. Arrive verb [uh-rahyv]

- to reach a place at the end of a trip
[(場所に)着く, 到着する]

◼ Example: My father will work overtime tonight. He will arrive home late.
◻ Note: What time do you arrive home from school?

4. Begin verb [bih-gin]

- to start to do something
(~し始める, ~を開始する)

◼ Example: Let’s begin our lesson. Are you ready?
◻ Note: What time did we begin this lesson?

5. Hear verb [heer]

- to receive a sound using your ears

◼ Example: Your voice is too low. I cannot hear you.
◻ Note: Can you hear me?


◼ Stop

◼ Make

◼ Arrive

◼ Begin

◼ Hear

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. to cause to happen, to bring about, to create

_____ 2. to come to an end

_____ 3. to receive a sound using your ears

_____ 4. to reach a place at the end of a trip

_____ 5. to start to do something


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) The birds are singing. Can you _____?

a. Begin

b. Arrive

c. Hear

d. Make

2) I want to _____ my mother happy so I will give her flowers on her birthday.

a. Make

b. Stop

c. Hear

d. Arrive

3) I need to go to the shop but it’s raining heavily. I hope it _____ raining.

a. Makes

b. Stops

c. Hears

d. Begins

4) I want to read many stories. Let’s _____ with our first story.

a. Arrive

b. Make

c. Begin

d. Stop

5) When will your father _____ from his business trip?

a. Stop

b. Hear

c. Make

d. Arrive

パート3: ショートストーリー

Playing Badminton

Kazuki and Mikio like to play badminton. They play badminton in the school playground every day.
They go to the city park to have a bigger space for playing badminton. When it’s raining outside, they play badminton in the school gym.
Mikio went to an English camp for a week. Kazuki was sad because he didn’t have anyone to play badminton with
Last weekend, he went to the park. He met a boy playing by himself. Kazuki invited him to play badminton together. His name is Niko. Kazuki is happy now because he has a new friend. They can play badminton together while Mikio is at camp.

Choose the correct answers to the questions.


1) Where do Kazuki and Mikio play badminton every day?

a. City park

b. School gym

c. In front of their house

d. School playground

2) Where do Kazuki and Mikio play badminton when it’s raining outside?

a. Basement

b. Covered court

c. School gym

d. City park

3) Kazuki was sad because…

a. He wanted to go to the camp too

b. He didn’t have anyone to play with

c. He won’t see Mikio again

d. He didn’t want to play badminton

4) Who did Kazuki meet at the park?

a. Niko

b. Miko

c. Mikio

d. Milo

5) Kazuki is happy now because…

a. He has a new friend

b. He can play catch

c. He has a new brother

d. He will go to the camp