
ボキャブラリー レッスン28


1. Any adjective [en-ee]

- one, a, an, or some
[いくつか, いくらか(疑問文・否定文でsomeに代わって使われる)]

◼ Example: Did you buy any milk from the supermarket?
◻ Note: Do you have any pets?

2. Also adverb [awl-soh]

- in addition, too
(~もまた, さらに~も)

◼ Example: I like bananas. I also like strawberries.
◻ Note: Use ‘also’ in a sentence.

3. About preposition [uh-bout]

- relating to; concerning; on the subject of
(~について, ~に関して)

◼ Example: This story is about a king and a queen who lived in a castle.
◻ Note: Do you know any story? What is it about?

4. Around adverb [uh-round]

- located or situated on every side

◼ Example: I can see many beautiful flowers around her house.
◻ Note: What can you see around your house?

5. Very adverb [ver-ee]

- in a high degree

◼ Example: It’s very hot in Japan in summer.
◻ Note: Use ‘very’ in a sentence.


◼ Any

◼ Also

◼ About

◼ Around

◼ Very

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. relating to; concerning; on the subject of

_____ 2. one, a, an, or some

_____ 3. in addition, too

_____ 4. in a high degree

_____ 5. located or situated on every side


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) I woke up at 5:00 a.m. today. I woke up _____ early.

a. Also

b. About

c. Around

d. Very

2) I like the color pink. My sister _____ likes the same color.

a. Very

b. Also

c. Around

d. About

3) There are many houses _____ the mountain.

a. Also

b. About

c. Very

d. Around

4) The teacher gave her students a lot of information _____ the famous place.

a. Very

b. About

c. Also

d. Any

5) Do you have _____ brothers and sisters?

a. Any

b. About

c. Also

d. Very

パート3: 広告

Writers wanted!

Join us!
The Writers Club is looking for writers for our school newspaper.

Join us and you can get tickets to any of our school events for FREE!

We want students who are:
- Interested
- Interesting
- Skilled

Contact us at:

Choose the correct answers to the questions.


1) What is the Writers Club looking for?

a. Writers

b. Newspapers

c. Tickets

d. School events

2) What can students get if they join the Writers Club?

a. Free snacks

b. Free tickets

c. Free newspapers

d. Free drinks