
ボキャブラリー レッスン27


1. Slowly adverb [sloh-lee]

- at a slow speed, not quickly
(ゆっくりと, 徐々に, だんだん)

◼ Example: You speak very fast. Please speak slowly.
◻ Note: Do you speak Japanese slowly or fast?

2. Coldly adverb [kohld-lee]

- in a way that is not friendly or emotional

◼ Example: Derek doesn’t care about the poor boy. He looked at him coldly.
◻ Note: Has anyone ever treated you coldly?

3. Busily adverb [biz-uh-lee]

- in a busy manner, actively
(忙しそうに, せっせと)

◼ Example: The students worked busily on their project.
◻ Note: What do you busily work on during vacation?

4. Freely adverb [free-lee]

- in a free or relaxed manner

◼ Example: Today is a holiday. I can spend my time freely at home.
◻ Note: Do you spend your time freely on your vacation?

5. Clearly adverb [kleer-lee]

- in a clear manner

◼ Example: She can speak English very clearly.
◻ Note: Can you write very clearly?


◼ Slowly

◼ Coldly

◼ Busily

◼ Freely

◼ Clearly

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. in a clear manner

_____ 2. at a slow speed, not quickly

_____ 3. in a free or relaxed manner

_____ 4. in a way that is not friendly or emotional

_____ 5. in a busy manner, actively


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) The teacher explained the lesson very well. I understand it very _____.

a. Busily

b. Clearly

c. Coldly

d. Freely

2) The man walked very _____ so the child could follow him.

a. Slowly

b. Clearly

c. Freely

d. Coldly

3) “Please don’t come here again. I don’t want to see you again,” the man said _____.

a. Freely

b. Busily

c. Slowly

d. Coldly

4) She doesn’t have to go to school today. She can _____ play her favorite games.

a. Coldly

b. Clearly

c. Freely

d. Slowly

5) Sheila was _____ cleaning the house when I visited her.

a. Coldly

b. Slowly

c. Busily

d. Freely

パート3: ショートストーリー

Drawing Animals

Ms. Nakamura stood in front of the classroom. “Today we are going to draw pictures.”
“Yey!” the students said. They all looked at each other and smiled.

“I want you to draw a picture of your favorite animal” said Ms. Nakamura.

The students took their pencils, crayons and paper from their bags. They started to draw.
“Okay. Time’s up!” said Ms. Nakamura. “It’s time to show your pictures to your classmates. Now, who wants to go first?”

Chieko raised her hand. “I will,” she said. Chieko walked to the front of the class. She showed her picture. “I drew a tiger. Tigers are fast and strong. They have sharp teeth.”
“Very nice,” said Ms. Nakamura. “Okay, who’s next?”

Mami came to the front. “I drew a shark. Sharks have sharp teeth too. They are scary!” Mami said.

“Very pretty,” said Ms. Nakamura. “Okay class, we don’t have time now. Tomorrow, we will draw your favorite toys.” she said.

All the students were very happy and excited.

Choose the correct answers to the questions.


1) What did the class draw?

a. Wild animals

b. Their favorite animals

c. Their classmates

d. Their favorite toys

2) What did the students use to draw?

a. Markers, pens and notebook

b. Colored pencils, pens and paper

c. Pencils, crayons and paper

d. Pencils, colored pens and notepad

3) What did Chieko draw?

a. A bear

b. A shark

c. A monkey

d. A tiger

4) What did Mami draw?

a. A shark

b. A lion

c. A tiger

d. A bird

5) What will the students draw tomorrow?

a. Their family

b. Their classmates

c. Their favorite animals

d. Their favorite toys