
ボキャブラリー レッスン26


1. Shower noun [shou-er]

- a place in which a person stands under a spray of water to wash

◼ Example: Did you take a shower? It’s very hot today.
◻ Note: When do you take a shower?

2. Stone noun [stohn]

- a small rock or piece of rock
(小石, 石)

◼ Example: The child likes throwing stones into the pond.
◻ Note: Is your house made of stone?

3. Wall noun [wawl]

- one of the sides of a building or room

◼ Example: The picture is on the wall.
◻ Note: What can you see on your wall?

4. Restaurant noun [res-ter-uh nt, -tuh-rahnt, -trahnt]

- a place where you can eat a meal and pay for it
(レストラン, 料理店)

◼ Example: We had dinner at a restaurant last night.
◻ Note: What is your favorite restaurant?

5. Police noun [puh-lees]

- a group of people who protect people and property, and to prevent crime
(警察, 警察署)

◼ Example: There’s the bad guy! Call the police!
◻ Note: Have you ever talked to a police officer?


◼ Shower

◼ Stone

◼ Wall

◼ Restaurant

◼ Police

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. a place where you can eat a meal and pay for it

_____ 2. a group of people who protect people and property, and to prevent crime

_____ 3. a place in which a person stands under a spray of water to wash

_____ 4. one of the sides of a building or room

_____ 5. a small rock or piece of rock


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) He picked up colorful _____ by the river.

a. Police

b. Showers

c. Restaurants

d. Stones

2) I take a _____ everyday in summer season.

a. Stone

b. Police

c. Shower

d. Wall

3) She painted the _____ of her bedroom pink.

a. Wall

b. Police

c. Shower

d. Restaurant

4) The man is in danger. We should call the _____.

a. Stone

b. Police

c. Wall

d. Shower

5) I like this _____. It serves very delicious food and drinks.

a. Restaurant

b. Police

c. Wall

d. Shower

パート3: Eメール

From: Taylor
To: Grandma
Date: November 3
Subject: Thank you!

Dear Grandma,

I’m so happy I got a camera for my birthday from you. Thank you very much! I enjoyed my birthday party with my friends. We ate spaghetti, hotdog and doughnuts. Mom bought me a birthday cake. It’s very delicious!
Mom, Dad and I will visit you next summer holiday. I’m very excited! I will buy your favorite rice cake.

See you soon!

From: Grandma
To: Taylor
Date: November 3
Subject: You’re welcome!

Dear Taylor,

I’m happy to know that you liked the camera I gave you for your birthday. I’m sorry because I did not visit you on your birthday. I was not feeling well, but now I’m OK.
I miss you so much. I am excited to see you next summer holiday. I will bake your favorite chocolate cake for you.

See you!


Choose the correct answers to the questions.


1) What did Grandma give Taylor for her birthday?

a. Doughnuts

b. Chocolate cake

c. Rice cake

d. A camera

2) When will Mom, Dad and Taylor visit Grandma?

a. Next winter holiday

b. Next spring holiday

c. Next summer holiday

d. Next autumn holiday

3) Grandma did not visit Taylor on her birthday because…

a. She was busy

b. She was not feeling well

c. She was baking a cake

d. She was at work