
ボキャブラリー レッスン23


1. Part noun [pahrt]

- one of the pieces, sections, or elements

◼ Example: I only know a small part of the song.
◻ Note: Which part of Japan do you live in?

2. Place noun [pleys]

- any point, building, area, town, or country
(場所, 箇所)

◼ Example: I don’t like this place. It’s very dark.
◻ Note: What do you call the place used for growing flowers, fruits or vegetables?

3. Pen noun [pen]

- a long, thin object used for writing or drawing with ink

◼ Example: May I borrow your pen? I need to write a letter.
◻ Note: How many pens do you have?

4. Pencil noun [pen-suh l]

- a long, thin object, usually made of wood, for writing or drawing

◼ Example: I need to sharpen my pencil. Do you have a sharpener?
◻ Note: How many pencils do you have?

5. Tree noun [tree]

- a tall plant that has a hard trunk, branches, and leaves

◼ Example: My mother has a lemon tree in her garden..
◻ Note: Are there many trees near your house?


◼ Part

◼ Place

◼ Pen

◼ Pencil

◼ Tree

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. a tall plant that has a hard trunk, branches, and leaves

_____ 2. a long, thin object, usually made of wood, for writing or drawing

_____ 3. a long, thin object used for writing or drawing with ink

_____ 4. one of the pieces, sections, or elements

_____ 5. any point, building, area, town, or country


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) I have a lot of _____. I put them in a pen case.

a. Trees

b. Places

c. Parts

d. Pens

2) Chris climbed the _____ and picked many apples.

a. Pen

b. Tree

c. Pencil

d. Part

3) He drew a straight line with his _____.

a. Tree

b. Part

c. Pencil

d. Place

4) I need a quiet _____ where I can study.

a. Pencil

b. Tree

c. Pen

d. Place

5) My sister sliced the cake into 8 _____.

a. Parts

b. Trees

c. Pencils

d. Pens

パート3: 広告

From: Little Johnny
To: Big Brett
Date: January 10
Subject: I like sports!

Hello Big Brett,

How are you? I do a lot of sports at school in Australia. Are you also interested in sports? We have a swimming pool at school and our class goes swimming every Wednesday. We also play tennis and football.

I also like surfing. I go to a surfing club every weekend. We go to the beach and learn how to surf. It’s fun! Can you also surf in your country?

Write an email to me soon.

Little Johnny
From: Big Brett
To: Little Johnny
Date: January 10
Subject: I like sports too!

Hi Little Johnny,

Thanks for your email. I’m glad to know that you also do many sports in Australia. I’m very interested in sports too.
There are many after-school sports club in Canada. I go to a soccer club after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We go to the field and practice soccer.

I don’t know how to surf. Can you please teach me when I visit you in Australia?

Hope to see you soon.

Big Brett

Choose the correct answers to the questions.


1) Where is Little Johnny from?

a. Canada

b. Japan

c. America

d. Australia

2) When does Little Johnny go swimming at school?

a. Every Tuesday

b. Every Wednesday

c. Every Thursday

d. Every day

3) What club does Big Brett go to?

a. Soccer club

b. Tennis club

c. Surfing club

d. Football club