
ボキャブラリー レッスン21


1. Fish noun [fish]

- an animal with gills and fins and living in water

◼ Example: My brother caught a big fish in the river.
◻ Note: Do you like to eat fish?

2. Drink noun [dringk]

- liquid that is taken into the body through the mouth

◼ Example: My favorite drink is lemonade.
◻ Note: What is your favorite drink?

3. Garden noun [gahr-dn]

- a piece of ground, often near a house, used for growing flowers, fruit, or vegetables

◼ Example: This garden is very beautiful. I can see many tulips and roses.
◻ Note: Do you have a garden?

4. Picnic noun [pik-nik]

- taking food and eating it outdoors, especially in a field or by the beach
(ピクニック , 遠足)

◼ Example: It’s a good day for a picnic. Let’s prepare our food..
◻ Note: Do you sometimes go on a picnic?

5. Camp noun [kamp]

- a temporary place to sleep outdoors, often in a tent

◼ Example: I will go to an English camp next summer.
◻ Note: Do you sometime go for a camp?


◼ Fish

◼ Drink

◼ Garden

◼ Picnic

◼ Camp

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. a piece of ground, often near a house, used for growing flowers, fruit, or vegetables

_____ 2. a temporary place to sleep outdoors, often in a tent

_____ 3. taking food and eating it outdoors, especially in a field or by the beach

_____ 4. an animal with gills and fins and living in water

_____ 5. liquid that is taken into the body through the mouth


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) I can see many huts and tents in the _____.

a. Garden

b. Camp

c. Drink

d. Fish

2) I will buy some _____. I like orange and lemon juice.

a. Gardens

b. Picnics

c. Camps

d. Drinks

3) I’m going to go on a _____ tomorrow with my friends. I’ll bring some potato chips and soda.

a. Garden

b. Drinks

c. Fish

d. Picnic

4) _____ live in the sea.

a. Fish

b. Garden

c. Camp

d. Drink

5) My grandmother has a _____. She plants different kinds of fruits and vegetables.

a. Fish

b. Garden

c. Camp

d. Picnic

パート3: Eメール

Chiyo's Family

Chiyo has a big family
She lives with four people.
Chiyo also has two pets.
Chiyo’s mom is a nurse.
She works at the hospital.
Chiyo’s mom helps people who are sick.
Chiyo’s dad works at a restaurant.
He cooks many dishes at the restaurant.
He is a chef.
Chiyo’s dad drives her two brothers to their soccer practice.
Chiyo has two brothers.
Ikuyo is eight years old.
Juno is ten years old.
Chiyo has two pets.
Kuro is a small, black cat.
Kasshoku is a large, brown dog.
“I love my family”, Chiyo said!

Choose the correct answers to the questions.


1) How many people are there in Chiyo’s family?

a. 3

b. 4

c. 5

d. 6

2) Where does Chiyo’s mom work?

a. At the restaurant

b. At the park

c. At the hospital

d. At the office

3) Where does Chiyo’s dad work?

a. At the restaurant

b. At the park

c. At the hospital

d. At the office

4) Who is 10 years old?

a. Kuro

b. Ikuyo

c. Juno

d. Kasshoku

5) How many pets does Chiyo have?

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4