
ボキャブラリー レッスン2


1. Present noun [prez-uh nt]

- a thing given to someone as a gift
(プレゼント, 贈り物)

◼ Example: My father gave me a present on my birthday.
◻ Note: Do you get presents on your birthday?

2. Job noun [job]

- the work that someone does to earn money

◼ Example: She wants to get a job in the company.
◻ Note: Give examples of some jobs that you know.

3. Kind noun [kahynd]

- a type of thing or person

◼ Example: They sell all kinds of things in that shop.
◻ Note: What kind of books do you like to read?

4. Sport noun [spawrt, spohrt]

- games such as football and soccer in which a person or team competes
(スポーツ, 運動競技)

◼ Example: Mark plays sports at school.
◻ Note: What sport do you like?

5. Club noun [kluhb]

- a group of people with same interest, who meet regularly and do the same activities together

◼ Example: He likes dancing so he joined the dance club.
◻ Note: Do you belong to any club?


◼ Present

◼ job

◼ kind

◼ sport

◼ club

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. a type of thing or person

_____ 2. a group of people with same interest, who meet regularly and do the same activities together

_____ 3. a thing given to someone as a gift

_____ 4. games such as football and soccer in which a person or team competes

_____ 5. the work that someone does to earn money


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) He enjoys playing _____. He plays soccer, basketball and badminton every weekend.

a. jobs

b. clubs

c. sports

d. presents

2) It's Christmas! I got _____ from my mom and dad.

a. presents

b. sports

c. jobs

d. kind

3) He joins the art _____. He really loves to draw.

a. sport

b. kind

c. job

d. club

4) She works at the hospital. Her _____ is a nurse.

a. club

b. present

c. kind

d. job

5) This is my first time to see this _____ of insect. It has beautiful wings.

a. kind

b. present

c. job

d. club

パート3: 広告

From: Mary Scott
To: Hiro Kobayashi
Date: July 25
Subject: Thank you for coming!

Hi Hiro,

Thank you for coming to my birthday party yesterday! Thank you for the birthday cake. After the party, I found a brown wallet in my house. Is it yours? You can come to my house and get it, or I can bring it to school tomorrow.

See you.
From: Hiro Kobayashi
To: Mary Scott
Date: July 25
Subject: Yes, that wallet is mine.

Hi Mary,

Thank you for inviting me to your birthday party. I really had a good time. Yes, the brown wallet is mine. You don’t have to bring it to school tomorrow. I’ll come to your house and get it. I have to go to my piano lesson today at 3 o’clock and I can go to your house after that.

See you later.

Choose the correct answers to the questions.


1) What did Hiro bring to Mary’s party?

a. cookies

b. balloons

c. a birthday cake

d. piano

2) What did Mary find after the party?

a. a brown wallet

b. a book

c. a key

d. a birthday cake

3) What will Hiro do today at 3 o’clock?

a. go to school

b. do homework

c. go to the party

d. go to a piano lesson