
ボキャブラリー レッスン18


1. Pay verb [pey]

- to give (money) in exchange for goods or services

◼ Example: She pays $5 for the candy bar.
◻ Note: How much do you pay for 1 chocolate bar in Japan?

2. Like verb [lahyk]

- wish for, want, find enjoyable, think well of something

◼ Example: I like reading storybooks.
◻ Note: What kind of clothes do you like?

3. Draw verb [draw]

- to make a picture of something or someone with a pencil or pen

◼ Example: My sister can draw animals very well.
◻ Note: Can you draw?

4. Leave verb [leev]

- to go out of or away from, as a place

◼ Example: I leave my house at 3 p.m. everyday to play with my friends.
◻ Note: What time do you leave your house to go to school?

5. Feel verb [feel]

- to experience something physical or emotional

◼ Example: Grace is sick. She doesn’t feel well.
◻ Note: How do you feel right now?


◼ Pay

◼ Like

◼ Draw

◼ Leave

◼ Feel

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. to make a picture of something or someone with a pencil or pen

_____ 2. To give (money) in exchange for goods or services

_____ 3. wish for, want, find enjoyable, think well of something

_____ 4. to experience something physical or emotional

_____ 5. to go out of or away from, as a place


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) She _____ sad because she lost her favorite toy.

a. Leaves

b. Feels

c. Draws

d. Pays

2) She wins in the art contest always. She can ____ pictures very well.

a. Draw

b. Pay

c. Leave

d. Like

3) Jo _____ cats very much. He has 6 cats at home.

a. Leaves

b. Pays

c. Draws

d. Likes

4) Bell will _____ in the afternoon. She has to go to her grandparents’ house.

a. Leave

b. Draw

c. Like

d. Pay

5) A: How much should I _____ for this pen?
B: $1 only.

a. Like

b. Draw

c. Pay

d. Leave

パート3: ショートストーリー

A Healthy Family

The Anderson family wanted to eat healthy meals but it’s difficult for them. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson worked for long hours in the office and they felt tired when they got home. They had three children who also needed a lot of care. Jeff was 9 years old, Anne was 5 years old and Kelly was 1 year old.

Mrs. Anderson said “It’s difficult to cook healthy meals every day”. She ordered food from a restaurant during the week which was delivered when they arrived home. Mr. Anderson said “This is bad for our health”. The Anderson family knew this very well. They were worried about their health.

For the past few weeks, they ate healthy homemade meals and felt very excited about it. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson hope to eat healthy homemade meals every day.

Choose the correct answers to the questions.


1) How many children did Mr. and Mrs. Anderson have?

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

2) Where did Mrs. Anderson order food from during the week?

a. Office

b. School

c. Hotel

d. Restaurant

3) How did the Anderson family feel about their health?

a. They’re excited.

b. They’re worried.

c. They’re tired.

d. They’re busy.

4) What did they eat for the past few weeks?

a. Healthy homemade meals

b. Food from the restaurant

c. Food from the school cafeteria

d. Food from the office cafeteria

5) What do Mr. and Mrs. Anderson hope to do?

a. To go to the restaurant everyday

b. To order food from the restaurant everyday

c. To spend long hours in the office everyday

d. To eat healthy homemade meals everyday