
ボキャブラリー レッスン16


1. And pronoun [hwich, wich]

- used to join two words, phrases, parts of sentences
(~と~, ~や~, また)

◼ Example:My favorite animals are rabbits and pandas.
◻ Note: Make a sentence using ‘and’.

2. But conjunction [buht]

- used to connect two statements or phrases when the second one adds something different
(しかし, だが)

◼ Example: It’s cold in my room but it’s very hot outside.
◻ Note: Make a sentence using ‘but’.

3. With preposition [with, with]

- accompanied by (another person or thing)

◼ Example: I will go fishing with my father.
◻ Note: Make a sentence using ‘with’.

4. Across preposition [uh-kraws, uh-kros]

- from one side to the other of (something)
(~を渡って, ~を横切って)

◼ Example: There are many trees across my house.
◻ Note: What can you see across your house?

5. Under preposition [uhn-der]

- below the surface of (something)

◼ Example: The cat is under the chair.
◻ Note: Make a sentence using ‘under’.


◼ And

◼ But

◼ With

◼ Across

◼ Under

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. accompanied by (another person or thing)

_____ 2. from one side to the other of (something)

_____ 3. below the surface of (something)

_____ 4. used to join two words, phrases, parts of sentences

_____ 5. used to connect two statements or phrases when the second one adds something different


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) My best friend lives on the other side of the street. His house is just _____ my house.

a. Across

b. And

c. But

d. With

2) When we play hide-and-seek, I always hide _____ the table.

a. But

b. With

c. Across

d. Under

3) Lee can speak English _____ Japanese.

a. But

b. Under

c. And

d. Across

4) Nori likes listening to music _____ he can't sing.

a. With

b. Across

c. But

d. Under

5) Alex goes to school everyday ____ his little sister.

a. Across

b. With

c. Under

d. But

パート3: 広告

English Club

Inviting all interested high school students to join our club.
When: every Thursday 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Where: Easy Corner 2nd floor CB4

We will do exciting activities to practice English in the class.
Snacks will be served after the class.

This is your chance to improve your English for free!

Choose the correct answers to the questions.


1) Who can join the English club?

a. Everyone

b. Elementary students

c. Teachers

d. High school students

2) What will students do in the class?

a. Play sports

b. Practice English

c. Eat lunch

d. Serve snacks