
ボキャブラリー レッスン146

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. Husband noun [huhz-buhnd]

a married man considered in relation to his spouse

◼ Example: Her husband is a teacher.
◻ Note: What is your husband's job?

2. One day phrase [wuhn dey]

at some time in the future or past

◼ Example: One day, I want to travel the world.
◻ Note: What would you like to do one day?

3. Salt noun [sawlt]

a white crystalline substance used for seasoning or preserving food

◼ Example: Please pass me the salt.
◻ Note: Can you think of a dish that needs salt?

4. A.M. abbreviation [ey-em]

before noon; in the morning

◼ Example: My alarm is set for 6 a.m.
◻ Note: What time do you usually wake up in the a.m.?

5. Lake noun [leyk]

a large body of water surrounded by land

◼ Example: We spent the day at the lake.
◻ Note: Have you ever visited a lake? Which one?

Part 2: Exercise 1

◼ husband

◼ one day

◼ salt

◼ a.m.

◼ lake

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. a married man considered in relation to his spouse

_____ 2. at some time in the future or past

_____ 3. a white crystalline substance used for seasoning or preserving food

_____ 4. before noon; in the morning

_____ 5. a large body of water surrounded by land

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) Her _____ is a doctor and works at the hospital.

a. husband

b. one day

c. salt

d. lake

2) _____, I hope to visit France and see the Eiffel Tower.

a. Husband

b. One day

c. Salt

d. A.M.

3) This soup needs more flavor. Can you add some _____?

a. husband

b. one day

c. salt

d. lake

4) I have to wake up early tomorrow. My appointment is at 8 _____.

a. husband

b. one day

c. salt

d. a.m.

5) During our vacation, we rented a boat and went fishing on the _____.

a. husband

b. one day

c. salt

d. lake