
ボキャブラリー レッスン145

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. Easily adverb [ee-zuh-lee]

without difficulty or effort

◼ Example: She easily solved the math problem.
◻ Note: Can you think of something you can do easily?

2. Always adverb [awl-weyz, -weez]

every time; on every occasion; without exception

◼ Example: I always drink coffee in the morning.
◻ Note: What is something you always do?

3. Company noun [kuhm-puh-nee]

a business organization that makes, buys, or sells goods or provides services

◼ Example: He works for a big software company.
◻ Note: What kind of company would you like to work for?

4. Expensive adjective [ik-spen-siv]

costing a lot of money; having a high price

◼ Example: The new smartphone is very expensive.
◻ Note: Can you think of something expensive that you want to buy?

5. People noun [pee-puhl]

human beings in general or considered collectively

◼ Example: There were a lot of people at the concert.
◻ Note: Describe a situation where you saw many people.

Part 2: Exercise 1

◼ easily

◼ always

◼ company

◼ expensive

◼ people

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. without difficulty or effort

_____ 2. every time; on every occasion; without exception

_____ 3. a business organization that makes, buys, or sells goods or provides services

_____ 4. costing a lot of money; having a high price

_____ 5. human beings in general or considered collectively

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) She can finish the puzzle _____ because she's good at it.

a. easily

b. always

c. company

d. expensive

2) I _____ check my emails before going to bed.

a. easily

b. always

c. company

d. expensive

3) He got a new job at a big technology _____.

a. easily

b. always

c. company

d. expensive

4) The designer clothes in that store are very _____.

a. easily

b. always

c. company

d. expensive

5) At the festival, there were many _____ enjoying the food and music.

a. easily

b. always

c. company

d. people