
ボキャブラリー レッスン140

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. Homework noun [hohm-wurk]

tasks given by teachers to be done at home

◼ Example: I have to finish my math homework tonight.
◻ Note: How much homework do you usually have?

2. Beautiful adjective [byoo-tuh-fuhl]

very attractive or pleasing to the senses

◼ Example: The sunset at the beach was beautiful.
◻ Note: Describe something beautiful you saw recently.

3. Need to do verb phrase [need to doo]

something that is required or necessary to be done

◼ Example: I need to do my laundry before I run out of clean clothes.
◻ Note: What do you need to do today?

4. Dessert noun [dih-zurt]

a sweet course eaten at the end of a meal

◼ Example: I ordered chocolate cake for dessert.
◻ Note: What is your favorite dessert?

5. Sofa noun [soh-fuh]

a comfortable piece of furniture for sitting or lying on

◼ Example: I like to read on the sofa in the living room.
◻ Note: Describe the sofa in your house.

Part 2: Exercise 1

◼ homework

◼ beautiful

◼ need to do

◼ dessert

◼ sofa

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. tasks given by teachers to be done at home

_____ 2. very attractive or pleasing to the senses

_____ 3. something that is required or necessary to be done

_____ 4. a sweet course eaten at the end of a meal

_____ 5. a comfortable piece of furniture for sitting or lying on

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) After dinner, we had ice cream for _____.

a. homework

b. beautiful

c. need to do

d. dessert

2) I can't watch TV now. I still have some _____ to finish.

a. homework

b. beautiful

c. need to do

d. dessert

3) Look at the flowers in the garden. They are so _____!

a. homework

b. beautiful

c. need to do

d. dessert

4) I'm tired. I want to relax on the _____ and watch a movie.

a. homework

b. beautiful

c. need to do

d. sofa

5) I _____ my taxes before the deadline.

a. homework

b. beautiful

c. need to do

d. dessert