
ボキャブラリー レッスン136

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. Thirsty adjective [thur-stee]

feeling a need or desire to drink

◼ Example: I am thirsty after my long run.
◻ Note: What do you usually drink when you are thirsty?

2. Someday adverb [suhm-dey]

at an unspecified time in the future

◼ Example: Someday, I want to travel the world.
◻ Note: What is something you hope to accomplish someday?

3. Near adjective, adverb [neer]

close in distance or time

◼ Example: The park is near my house.
◻ Note: What is something near your home?

4. Worry about verb [wur-ee uh-bout, wuhr-]

to be anxious or concerned about something or someone

◼ Example: I worry about my little brother when he is home alone.
◻ Note: What is something you worry about?

5. Test noun [test]

an examination or evaluation of knowledge, skills, or abilities

◼ Example: I have a math test tomorrow.
◻ Note: How do you prepare for a test?

Part 2: Exercise 1

◼ thirsty

◼ someday

◼ near

◼ worry about

◼ test

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. feeling a need or desire to drink

_____ 2. at an unspecified time in the future

_____ 3. close in distance or time

_____ 4. to be anxious or concerned about something or someone

_____ 5. an examination or evaluation of knowledge, skills, or abilities

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) I'm so _____ after playing soccer. Can I have some water?

a. thirsty

b. someday

c. near

d. worry about

2) _____, I hope to become a professional athlete.

a. Thirsty

b. Someday

c. Near

d. Worry about

3) There is a convenience store _____ our school.

a. thirsty

b. someday

c. near

d. worry about

4) Don't _____ your grades too much; just do your best.

a. thirsty

b. someday

c. near

d. worry about

5) I have a big _____ next week, so I need to study hard.

a. thirsty

b. someday

c. near

d. test