
ボキャブラリー レッスン135

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. Singer noun [sing-er]

a person who sings, either professionally or as a hobby

◼ Example: Taylor Swift is a famous singer.
◻ Note: Who is your favorite singer?

2. Pie noun [pahy]

a baked dish usually made with a pastry dough casing and a sweet or savory filling

◼ Example: I love eating apple pie for dessert.
◻ Note: What is your favorite kind of pie?

3. Bike noun [bahyk]

a vehicle with two wheels, pedals, and a seat, powered by the rider

◼ Example: I ride my bike to the park every day.
◻ Note: Do you own a bike? Where do you like to ride it?

4. Short adjective [shawrt]

having little length, not long

◼ Example: She has short hair.
◻ Note: Describe something short that you own or have seen.

5. Break noun [breik]

a pause in work or during an activity; a rest

◼ Example: I take a short break every hour while working.
◻ Note: How do you spend your breaks?

Part 2: Exercise 1

◼ singer

◼ pie

◼ bike

◼ short

◼ break

Give the word being asked for each number.


_____ 1. a person who sings, either professionally or as a hobby

_____ 2. a baked dish usually made with a pastry dough casing and a sweet or savory filling

_____ 3. a vehicle with two wheels, pedals, and a seat, powered by the rider

_____ 4. having little length, not long

_____ 5. a pause in work or during an activity; a rest

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.


1) Adele is a famous _____ with a beautiful voice.

a. singer

b. pie

c. bike

d. short

2) For dessert, I would like a slice of cherry _____.

a. singer

b. pie

c. bike

d. short

3) I prefer riding a _____ instead of driving a car to help the environment.

a. singer

b. pie

c. bike

d. short

4) He needs a _____ haircut because his hair is getting in his eyes.

a. singer

b. pie

c. bike

d. short

5) After studying for two hours, I need to take a _____ to relax my mind.

a. singer

b. pie

c. bike

d. break